Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

Longan Tabulampot



Tabulampot : fruit trees in pots

Longan tree planted in a pot ..? Why not ..!
Longan fruit in pots can be a maximum, if properly addressed growing media conditioning and maintenance.
Rule that says that the longan tree planting should be in a pair (male and female) in order to bear fruit, it is no longer valid. Thanks to advances in agricultural technology, longan tree can bear fruit even if only in planting one tree, even if forced to be planted in pots because the condition is due to a narrow area or hobbies.

Preparation and Materials Tabulampot Longan:
1. Pots plastic / fiber large diameter of at least 70 cm, can also use pieces of the drum.
2. Styrofoam / broken tiles / bricks.
3. Growing media
a. land,
b. manure,
c. sand / chaff / wood shavings
4. Seedlings healthy longan tree size ± 80 cm

Step-by-Step Making Tabulampot Longan:
1. Place the pots in a flat / flat, should be given a heavy foundation bricks / concrete blocks, but if the pot is already legged, do not have to be heavy foundation, Foot pots / heavy foundation works to facilitate drainage bottom of the pot.
2. Put a 5 cm thick styrofoam in the bottom of the pot, following the shape of the pot. Broken tiles or bricks can also replace Styrofoam, but will make heavier pots. Installation is intended that the water that can pour down and out of the pot.
3. Feedback mixture of soil, manure and sand / rice husk / wood shavings with a 2:1:1 ratio. Up to a height of about 20 cm
4. Input tree seeds are ready for planting longan and completely healthy.
5. Closing, input mixture of soil, manure and sand / rice husk / wood shavings until longan tree can stand up straight and do not shake.
6. Lastly, pour slowly until the water out of the bottom of the pot.

Some Tips To Tabulampot Can Longan fruitful:

1. Trimming
When the headline first appeared, it is advisable to cut that tree / leafy stems can be generated alias is not high. In addition to multiply branches / new shoots as well as to facilitate the harvesting.

2. Watering
How should flush properly, because the volume is not much cropping media. So, need to be watered every other day until the water spilling out of the pot bottom.

3. Fertilization
Always use manure, so that the results are better and trees flourish. For tabulampot, every 3 months (minimum 6 months) take half the land so the media cropping, manure enter into a pot and cover again with a little soil. Flush with water until the soil is completely wet.
This will make the young leaves of rapidly growing, so rapid flowering. Chemical fertilizers such as NPK may be used, but quite a bit of it, once a month. The use of potassium chlorate which is known as the explosives could also be used to stimulate the growth of flowers, although actually still can longan fruit without the need to be stimulated. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers makes the soil so hard.

4. Threshing
Generally, longan flesh at first conception is less thick. The thickness of the meat can only be seen after 2-3 times of litchi fruit. In order to obtain maximum fruit, flowers Ruin, which first appeared. Thus, the branch will grow and will flower more and more. When the second interest has emerged but no branches, flowers can be knocked back.

5. Replace Media
Productive period tabulampot longan is age 3-10 years. In order to remain productive during that time, at least once a year so as not to change the media cropping hard, or give manure.

6. Propagation of plants
Tabulampot are already high and could be a great parent to propagate plants as scions in grafting or grafting process, to be a few new plants. So that the branches will not grow big, because the top has been trimmed and the tree will be lush.


Are you interested in Tabulampot Longan ..? 
Please try .... 

Good Luck.

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